Ms Tanya Farrell
Tanya Farrell is a midwife and a nurse - and holds two key roles that focus on improving healthcare for women, babies and children across Victoria.
As the A/Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, Tanya provides strategic clinical leadership and advice on issues related to maternity services and midwifery, particularly in relation to safety and quality improvement.
As the Chair of CCOPMM she oversees the investigation and reporting of all maternal, perinatal and paediatric mortality and morbidity as well as providing advice to the Minister for Health, Safer Care Victoria and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on strategies to improve clinical care and avoid preventable deaths and significant morbidity in Victoria. The Council also manages the Victorian Perinatal Data Collection (VPDC), a population-based surveillance system that collects and analyses comprehensive information on the health of mothers and babies, in order to contribute to improvements in their health.
Tanya is also an Adjunct Professor in Nursing and Midwifery at La Trobe University. Prior to these appointments she was the Executive Director of Midwifery and Nursing at the Royal Women’s Hospital, Victoria.
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